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Problem-based Learning Helps Bridge the Gap between the Classroom and the Real World - 2 views

    Problem-based learning allows us to bring our students, course material, and the real world closer together. A few ideas for getting started with PBL. I enjoyed reading this article because it began with a quote and excellent question. "How do we get our students to understand what 'the field' is really like? How can we help them realize that they not only need to understand the information we are teaching, but that they need to be able to apply the information that we are teaching." This article touched more on the idea of students being able to able to apply the information that we are teaching them in the real world. Problem-based Learning Helps Bridge the Gap between the Classroom and the Real World, Jason R. Weber, (2014) Retrieved from Retrieved on 10/19/15
    This brief article offers a quick introduction to the importance of preparing students for the real world through in-class activities, and provides 5 simple recommendations to help an instructor get the most out of PBL (problem-based learning, here) activities.

Closing the Achievement Gap Through Teacher Collaboration: Facilitating Multiple Trajec... - 4 views

    Two prominent methods for closing achievement gaps are discussed in this article: 1. increase district control over teaching and curriculum, and "minimum standard of instruction", 2. using teacher teams to develop curriculum and teaching methods. Because district control leads to set curriculum, methods, and assessments across schools, progress is easily measured. However, talented and creative teachers tend to feel less valued as educators, and more like tools of implementation. This could cause less effectiveness for having to fit lessons within such a strict construct. Teacher teams, or Professional Learning Networks, empower teachers for contributing to development of effective lessons. Educators tend to enjoy this approach, since it is more natural to teaching and learning, though it is difficult to measure what is being learned. Under district control, the focus can be on research based interventions, where measurement relies on teachers not straying from the mandated processes. Alternatively, it can focus on teacher learning, which would output teachers with similar goals, but who can draw from their own experience and knowledge. Mountain High School in Pleasantville, California, was divided into "learning communities" of around 80 students. Teachers were to serve as advisors, regularly contact families, collaborate with colleagues, and ELL and Special education students were divided amongst the communities. The teacher lack of experience with PDs showed, as they were more focused on student problems rather than ways to improve instruction. Teachers were also not used to contacting parents outside of problematic situations. It was also necessary to provide accommodations that help struggling students to strengthen the lacking skills that are preventing further growth. The proposed methods seemed sound, though implementation in the case study, was still problematic. The lack of success was potentially due to lack of understanding of what compris
    (Week 9: Amber, Angela, And Kenneth) This article is accessible through the link given by accessing Diigo. This article discusses two methods for closing the achievement gap due to teacher collaboration. The article discusses how teachers can collectively have discussion that may identify and address the structural issues that are built into the school system. Teachers can use this article to begin to understand how their instructional practices can be hampered by systematic inequalities. The idea of all of this is for these "Collaborations to require and build trust, routines and skills for further collaboration efforts. This also means that the collaborators will need training in order to help them talk about issues of teaching and learning and critique each other's practice (Levine and Marcus, 2007). This would be useful for our practicing teacher because (1) They teach in different districts so there will be some disparities, (2) critiquing each other can be more helpful and a great learning experience. References Levine, T. H., & Marcus, A. S. (2007). Closing the achievement gap through teacher collaboration: facilitating multiple trajectories of teacher learning. Journal Of Advanced Academics, 19(1), 116-138. From

EDTC615 closing learning gap.pdf - 12 views

    The article references stats that involve demographics pertaining to elementary reading and math. High school graduation rates and dropout rates amongst minorities in a californian community. The author looks at closing the achievement gap by getting parents involved and placing more emphasis on pre-K programs. The article states that when it comes to intervention, the way to look at it is, the earlier the better. The author provides suggestions to closing the gap.

Helping All Learners: Tiering | EL Education - 14 views

    A useful module that explains how tiering can provide help learners learn better and has videos of examples. This can help improve Smart Goals for improvement in assessments, and homework and classroom performance.
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    My groups (Group 4, ETDC615) SMART learning goal is "Given 1 month of supplemental biology instruction, students who are currently in AP Biology but took lower level Biology 1, will score at least a 3 on their next unit exam." This EL Education video focuses on using a tiering system of differentiation to make all the content available for all students to learn. Looking at this lesson in terms of impact on learning, it has a potential to have a high impact on student learning. By differentiated the material to different tiers based on students current skills the students are more likely to be successful, because the material will be the right level of engaging/challenging for each student. This lesson method could be used for my groups SMART goal, because I could do a better job to differentiate the material to make up for the learning gaps that students that came from low level biology one have.
    Tiering a lesson is the act of differentiating content to create learning opportunities for all students and allow for the accessibility of content to all students. The learning goal for my group is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. Because many of my students struggle with extracting information from word problems, which in turn leads them to an incorrect solution, I believe that tiering would help students access problem-solving strategies in a way that is most helpful to them. While there is an emphasis on showing multiple strategies, it may help students to tier the content in a way that makes sense for the student. Having students circle all important numbers only helps if a student understands why those numbers are important. Tiering may be the way to help bring that understanding to them. Tiering is best evaluated using the impact on learning dimension because differentiation does have a high impact on learning. Allowing students better access to content in a way in which they understand, and puts them in control will impact their learning for years to come.
    This is a great article for our start goal because it discusses how to help all learners and improve assessments which will help those students in need.
    This video about differentiation in teaching provides the dimension of a high impact on learning. The ideal is to provide equivalent learning activities that cater to the students' strengths but bring all of the students to the same learning objective. On one end of the spectrum is the one-size-fits-all learning activity, while on the other end is the completely individualized learning plan for each student. Catering to different students learning styles can help achieve the SMART goal of : By the end of the month, give practice tests the day before exams with at least 75% scoring at least 75%.
    I enjoyed the video on Tiering. Our teams' SMART goal is, "Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period." I think an important concept to note, is that this activity has a high Impact on Learning because it differentiates for the particular needs of each student. This process also encourages Student Engagement, which allows for the students to work comfortably in a peer environment. By having more time to plan differentiated work to meet simultaneous goals between students, the teacher is also scaffolding. The teacher is giving support to students who need it and to also challenge those students to maintain interest or to continue the work of those who have mastered a specific skill but may need more advanced strategies to continue the upward curve of learning. EDTC 615 Fall2018
    With the video, the topic of towering the lesson is shown. With my SMART goal focusing on the 11th graders in my health education classes, it I'm important for me to address all the educational needs of my students. Currently, I use DI in my classes and I found a piece of information from the video that can I can begin to implement. The teacher had her students raise their hand with chosen number of fingers in the air. The number represents the level that each student feels they are on in regards to understanding the topic. While the exact way this strategy is used is not something I think will be effective with my high school students, the number system is. I can have my students write and post their perceived number and explain why they chose that number. Then, I can see the comfortability each student has with the topic. THey would have to apply extended reasoning which is a respresentation of depth of knowledge from the planning protocol rubric. EDTC Fall2018 EL

Give One, Get One, Move On (Go Go Mo) | EL Education - 16 views

    this is a "protocol students can use to share and gain knowledge in preparation for an assessment."
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    Dimension chosen: Student engagment Rating: 3 (Moderate engagement for most students) This activity would be good for preparing for my SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment on Theme." Students could read a text and then come up with various themes based on their own evidence by passing around the clipboard. I think it would be engaging for majority of my fourth grade students to be able to move around and see new ideas from their classmates.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Level: 3 (Moderate Engagement for most students) My partner's SMART goal is "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." I could see this GoGoMo protocol as a useful way to both check for understanding and review before upcoming Spanish assessments. Students could help each other review the material, and having to speak to other students also helps them practice in the target language. Also, because students are speaking to multiple other students, it helps keep them active and engaged with this class task.
    Dimension chosen: Student engagement Rating: 3 This activity would be great to review different strategies to solve a certain math problem. Smart Target Learning Goal: By the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will help the students remember all the different strategies, the more practice the more likely they are going to remember different ways to solve when the assessment happens.
    Dimension: Impact on learning Rating: 4 Students have to be able to reflect on their learning and they also be prepared to summarize it and present it to their peers. This repetition and organization of their learning will help them remember it better and possibly understand it in new ways.
    Dimension: Student engagement Rating: 4 This is a good activity to allow students to collaborate and share ideas. It will allow them to focus on a specific topic (essay) by explaining and allowing interactions with peers so that students are not only reading but they understand that writing takes focus. This is useful in supporting my team's SMART Goal achievement for improving their writing proficiency for the 5th grade students so they are able to reach their WIDA exiting level of 4.4 because students will be able to remember what they are learning. As a writing tool, this concept would help to initiate a meaningful asset for improving a student's skills of communication and concepts of what is needed to form a proper essay for writing. It promotes brainstorming for supporting a topic of discussion.
    Smart Target Learning Goal(s): By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1 By the end of the unit, 50% of students will score 70% or higher on the assessment. Impact on learning - Using this protocol the teacher would be able to see what pieces of the content students are comfortable with and which pieces students are unsure about. This match my teams goals as we all wish to improve test scores. In our groups we noticed that there are gaps in the students learning across the board in specific areas. If we all implement this protocol we would be able to see what students do not understand and make sure to go over it before any assessments.
    This protocol uses the most basic collaboration tool of pen and paper. My focus dimension is techonolgy integration. There are several options that can be used to integrate techonlogy but not overly complex to distract the students from the instructor's assigned topic. Students ciuld use googke drive, wiggio, padlet, recap, etc. SMART GOAL * For students to be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real life problems and scenarios. * Extending learning units when covering quadratic equations. Assign weekly formative tests to better track progress and adjust to students individual needs. The formative tests should only be 3-5 questions to be able to show progress and allow the teacher enough time to give detailed feedback but also adjust teaching strategy if necessary. * Goal is to show 90% student improvement from beginning of unit to the end of unit. * The games introduced will directly work to improve reading comprehension and application of quadratic formulas on multiple skill levels. * Time to complete goal is a unit of study, optimally 12-16 weeks. I would use this protocol with this SMART goal in the begining of a lesson as a way for students to share and monitor their own progress. However, the protocol does not allow for the teacher to be able to give direct feedback and adjust lessons. This is a huge part of the goal. If one of the technology tools was integrated into the lesson, it would allow the teacher to monitor progress easier and more individually.
    I would rate the Go Go Mo protocol a 4 in the Rigor and Relevance dimension. While using this protocol, students are not only thinking (when they are giving) but also working. Students are actively moving around the classroom seeking out others from whom they can get new information. The teacher also suggested that they take their readings with them, which may hint at the fact that may still need to actively search for information. My group's SMART goal is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. This method could be effective (may be used on a smaller scale with 2-3 people for word problems) in that all students will have to identify information that they deem important and share with their classmates. From here, they can begin to decide what information is actually most important to solving the problem that is proposed and work together to solve the problem.
    This activity will help close the learning gap by enabling collaboration and information sharing between students prior to exams.

The Usefulness of Brief Instruction in Reading Comprehension Strategies - 3 views

    (Week 9: Adiatu, Julie, and Heather) This journal article was found in the UMUC Library by Julie, and is accessible through the link given above. The article was written by Daniel Willingham, a cognitive psychologist. Mr. Willingham believes that comprehension strategies, such as questioning and monitoring, are effective in improving reading comprehension and should be taught to students. The article raises the question of how much the strategies should be taught. Mr. Willingham determined that two weeks of strategy instruction is sufficient because students learn everything they need within this duration. The article is useful to teachers because it discusses the benefits of various reading comprehension strategies at a variety of grade levels, and points out the most powerful and weakest strategies. This journal article is useful to our group because the teachers' artifacts are based on the reading comprehension and vocabulary gaps of their students, and the authors stress that teachers should strictly monitor the oral reading skills of students that are having reading comprehension difficulties. Reference Willingham D. T. (2007). Ask the cognitive scientist: The usefulness of brief instruction in reading comprehension strategies. American Educator, 30(4), 39-45, 50.
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    This article explains different types of reading strategies that are best to use when teaching comprehension across all grade levels. This article is very useful to my group because we are all focusing on reading skills/comprehension and determining learning gaps in each grade level when it comes to this topic. The author describes which type of strategy works best for which grade level and everyone in my group teaches a different grade.
    This article explains different types of reading strategies that are best to use when teaching comprehension across all grade levels. This article is very useful to my group because we are all focusing on reading skills/comprehension and determining learning gaps in each grade level when it comes to this topic. The author describes which type of strategy works best for which grade level and everyone in my group teaches a different grade.
    This article explains different types of reading strategies that are best to use when teaching comprehension across all grade levels. This article is very useful to my group because we are all focusing on reading skills/comprehension and determining learning gaps in each grade level when it comes to this topic. The author describes which type of strategy works best for which grade level and everyone in my group teaches a different grade.

The help of technology to close skills gaps - 4 views

    Numerous innovations in the education technology space are beginning to show potential in improving education and helping address skills gaps. Some of these advancements include Khan academy and Read 180 (self paced instruction for students). Professional development of digital resources is imperative to help close instructional gaps. EDTC 615 - instructional gap solutions
    I love that this resource provides multiple examples of tools that we can use within our instruction. The categorization of each example also provides a clear explanation of how it can be incorporated. I think that one important point that was discussed within this page was how students can develop 21st Century Skills through implementing these tools. As 21st Century Skills are becoming a major focus in instruction, this shows how it can be addressed.
    This was a great tool that shared tons of tools that teachers can use in our instruction. Some really great resources I have found to use were Khan Academy, Google Apps for Education, and One Note. This article has a lot of great visuals to help understand more about how we, as educators, can use technology to help close the skills gaps.

6 Things Any Teacher Can Do to Help Close the Achievement Gap - 0 views

    This article focuses on simple things that teachers should keep in mind when trying to close the achievement gap. It reminds teachers that they don't need to make grand, sweeping changes; just doing some small things can have a major impact in terms of both the instructional and achievement gaps. The steps include using data more effectively, reflecting on your own choices in the classroom with a purpose, staying open-minded and avoiding assumptions, ensuring that the class is academically and culturally relevant, and developing positive relationships with parents. These are not necessarily ground-breaking ideas, but they are small enough that they can be effectively implemented relatively quickly and then fostered more to help close those gaps for students.
    I enjoyed this article as it gives very simple ways that teachers can do a better job. It also confirms what I've known to help by making more culturally friendly lessons that students are more accustomed to as we try to scaffold concepts that are foreign.

Teacher Development Is Key to Closing the Achievement Gap - 4 views

    This article discusses how professional development for teachers will help close the achievement gap. This blog centers on how the improvement of teaching practices will best assist students and that there should be universal teaching strategies. EDTC 615. k-12
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    615: This articles feels that providing the teachers with the professional development and resources they need to be more effective teachers which will in end help close the learning gaps of their students.
    This article describes the importance of teachers continuing to work to improve their teaching in closing achievement gaps. The article states that there are 4 important elements in creating a system for teacher development. As teachers work to continue to develop their teaching and instruction styles the students will then benefit which will show in the data.
    Details 4 critical ways in which we can improve the quality of instruction by focusing on improvement as instructors. Standardizing practices, strategies, assessments, etc. Interesting read and turns the system around to look at instructors what we are able to change.
    This article is great at recognizing necessary checks and balances for teachers. Changing standards will not along close all of the achievement gaps. The improved curriculum must come with a way for teachers to know they are delivering appropriately and sufficiently.

Strategies to Level Up Learning - 20 views

    Week 8: In our Data Action meeting we discussed intructional strategies involving simulation and games. This article explain some advantages and fears for educators implementing games into their lesson plans. Matthew Farber Social Studies Teacher, Ed Tech Leadership EdD Candidate, Author In the fall of 2014, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop (a nonprofit founded by Sesame Street creator Joan Ganz Cooney) assessed the impact of the gaming in school settings.
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    I have not had much experience with gaming in the classroom, but I have seen other teachers use it and have much success when it comes to motivating students and bridging the learning gap. One interesting point the article mentions is the the "platform" model strategy. In this, students have one log in, and are able to access a variety of games which can be reported t to the teacher as a formative assessment. Teachers are also able to log in and track students progress.
    I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities. Interest in using games in the classroom continues to grow, as evidenced by the recent Library of Congress grants to build civics applications for classrooms. The full report mentioned in this article is linked within, and worthwhile reading. The learning gaps that we see in our team's data could possibly be addressed using digital games from iCivics, Shephard Software, and other sources.
    I agree 100% with Andrea's quote "I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities." I only have to think back to this morning in my 2nd period where this worked with one of 8th grade students in special education who has a severe visual disability. In fact I even have the link to the game I use in that class all the time. I encourage everyone to set up a free account: !!!! Kahoot was introduced to me in my Electives Professional Development. More than one of the teachers has issues with incorporating technology into their health classroom. I agree with this article when they write "Additional teacher training, as well as creating a common language between educators and developers, was recommended."
    I am a little familiar with a few digital games. In my classroom, I use to assist my students in learning their vocabulary. I use this website to make a classroom game that we all play together. Everyone can participate at the same time, competing for first place in points. I can create the questions on my smart-board, and the students can play on another computer or they can download the app on their phones. This makes our lessons more interactive, and the students get more involved and enjoy the class more.
    Just like the article suggests, I use games to help students review or understand a lesson. A great one that was mentioned, and that I use is iCivics. Since Government is tested in my county, we have to make sure that our students fully understand the purpose, how the government works, and why it was created. When it comes to making sure the students are comprehending the information I will use iCivics,, and a Jeopardy game I find online. It promotes students to take learning and their education into their own hands. I think the games don't have to be created by us or super complex, as long as you find one that relate to your content and engages students.
    I love the idea of using these types of games to keep students engaged. At my son's school, he often has online math games given for homework. He loves IXL and it keeps him motivated to practice skills and learn new ones. In my 6th grade Spanish class we are exploring Students can play vocabulary building games while I work one-on-one with students. It is a great way to keep kids engaged while doing assessments, too.
    Initially, I was very hesitant to buy into learning through online games. I know that children today spend so much time in front of screens, and I didn't want to contribute to this obsession (for some children it does border on that). I did see that BrainPop, a site which I use frequently, introduced GameUp and Spotify. I figured if BrainPop was okay with gaming for learning, then I had to give it a try. Well, my students will now beg for BrainPop and will do evey activity, quiz and graphic organizer associated with a lesson in order to get to sortify. What a great tool. I am now a firm believer.
    I too see the benefits of using these online games within instruction. The games provide students with a means of engagement that we often struggle to provide students. With the growth of technology, students are becoming more in-tune with new technology and are using it more often at home. By connecting technology to instruction, we are able to meet them in the middle. There are so many tools available online that it's a shame not to use them!

Bridging the gap between technology integration and common core standards in the classroom - 0 views

    This article discusses the importance of technology in common core to bridge learning gaps as well as instructional gaps. Teachers need to be able to use and understand the technology they are provided to sufficiently deliver common core standards. Murphy also writes about the changing roles of teachers after introducing technology into the classroom.

Reducing the Achievement Gap with Technology - 0 views

    This blog post really focuses on ways interactive learning can reduce the achievement gap with technology. When learning is steered away from memorization from the "drill and kill" method, students are able to become more interactive in what they are learning, rather than just memorizing. That is what our county has been stressing with the new Curriculum 2.0 in learning really why behind each concept or equation, rather than memorizing.

Closing the Achievement Gap Through Teacher Collaboration - 3 views

    (Week 7 Jason Caputo and Ericka Posey- Group 8) This article is available through the UMUC library through the permalink above. This article examines a teacher directed model for closing achievement gaps. It explains why administrator driven directives and extensive scripting of curriculum are not always successful in closing achievement gaps. It explains the "risk is that prescriptive, bureaucratic approaches will drive talented and thoughtful teachers out of specific schools or the entire profession"(Levine and Marcus, 2007) However, it also points out potential flaws in systems without some oversight of teachers. In the case study presented, teachers avoid asking tough questions about instructional challenges, methods, and expectations/standards. Despite their good intentions and implementation of some effective strategies, during their team meeting/PLC time, "requests for help occurred around specific students or parents; teachers did not use this particular forum as a site for seeking help with core instructional challenges" (Levine and Marcus, 2007). While they are able to reduce some of the achievement gap, there is significant room for growth in their professional practice. The protocols discussed in our course address this, as they provide a professional and polite way to ask challenging questions about professional practice. References Levine, T. H., & Marcus, A. S. (2007). Closing the Achievement Gap through Teacher Collaboration: Facilitating Multiple Trajectories of Teacher Learning. Journal Of Advanced Academics, 19(1), 116-138.

Open Educational Resources Fill Gap for Underserved Students - Education Week - 0 views

    This article details how Open Educational Resources (OERs) have helped certain districts close the achievement gap, and it provides a list of "how-to's" for implementing OERs into the school system.

Learning Gap Definition - 1 views

    Great resource for understanding the concept of learning gap.

Five Keys to Closing Achievement Gaps with Blended Learning - 0 views

    In this article John Albert discusses ways to close the achievement gap through the blended learning approach. With this new learning approach growing more and more popular each school year, it is important to recognize how it can close gaps, if utilized correctly. John talks about five key points in implementing the blended learning approach successfully that will in return close achievement gaps; choosing the right tools, training staff, creating a data team, engaging parents, and highlighting success.
2More - 5 views

    This article discusses the need for implementation of student-involved classroom assessment to aid in closing the achievement gap. The authors discuss how motivation occurs at both ends of the spectrum for learners; high achieving learners are motivated by their continued success while low achieving learners are motivated to give up as they have had few to little successful experiences in the classroom. The article goes on to discuss three methods of embedding students into the learning process that will prove to help them take ownership of their learning experience. The first is student involved classroom assessment. This tool allows students, "under the careful management of their teachers," to give input into how they will be assessed in the classroom. The second is student-involved record keeping. Here students are responsible for tracking their progress, allowing them to see and take charge of their personal growth in the classroom. Finally, student-involved communication is discussed. Students have the opportunity to advocate for themselves in setting such as parent/teacher conferences. The article also discusses four conditions that are necessary, in the opinion of the authors, to assist in closing the achievement gap.
    I enjoyed this article, Jason, especially the premise that essentially enforcing the idea that students are underachieving as a whole by a set of arbitrary test scores can, consequently in some empirical cases, produce negative self-fulfilling prophecies in students' beliefs. This promotion of subconscious failing, if replicated and shown to be universally significant, holds dramatic implications. Looking back on my own experiences, Jason, I can remember the pride that I constantly felt in elementary school because we were known to be the leaders in our county; conversely though, if that were not the cause, I think it would be fair to conjecture that a pall of hopelessness may have replaced my academic banner of proverbial pride and high morale.

Front Row | Adaptive learning - 2 views

    Front Row is a website and an iOS application designed for K-8 students. The application was originally designed to help close instructional gaps in mathematics. This adaptive learning software allows students to work at their own pace as they earn coins and move up levels in all 5 of the Common Core math domains. Later on Front Row added an ELA component that provides leveed texts and quizzes for students. All of the activities that students do through From Row generate data for parents and teachers. One of the features that Front Row also has is free and paid IBL's (Inquiry Based Lessons) for grades 1-8. I actually created a screencast on how I use IBL's in my own classroom.Check it out here ->
    Front Row is a great software that helps teachers fill learning gaps! It is an application that students have their own accounts where they can individualize their learning. They learn at their own pace and are not pressured to stay up to speed as their peers. There is motivation involved in collecting gold coins, and there are videos for students that need extra support on a certain content if they are answering the questions incorrectly.I have used Front Row in my classrooms through blended learning and it has worked great!

Jigsaw | EL Education Empowering Teachers, Inspiring Students | EL Education - 17 views

    "In a jigsaw protocol small groups of students become experts in one section or text and hear oral summaries of the others. The protocol allows students to synthesize across texts and gain new understandings from their classmates about the topic as a whole."
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    Jigsaws are a great way to make sure that everyone does their share of the research. This allows students to really focus on one reading and gain as much information as they can. Then they have time to share what they found with others, while others share information about the topic that they read/researched about.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. Deciphering vocabulary is an important part of my AP Government curriculum. It is something that my students have had trouble with as it is many of their first AP class. Using a jigsaw for difficult readings would allow me to give my students a way to check their comprehension by working with a small group to complete readings. It would also build students confidence as they would go back to their groups to teach their classmates about their specific reading. This gives them a chance to show off and show their peers that they know the vocabulary.
    Implementing the Jigsaw would be a great method to incorporate to help bridge the learning gap for students that took lower level Biology 1. The heavy use collaboration between students of varying skill or knowledge levels would be beneficial. I also think that since the lesson is broken up into small sections for each to examine and then discuss their findings students of all skill levels gain a better and unique understanding or the material. The students that need to improve their AP Biology knowledge will have the support of the students with a stronger grasp of the material within their small group learning environment.
    Group 5 EDTC 615 Fall 2018 SMART Target Learning Goal: "Students will be able to solve an on level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the first marking period." The Jigsaw Protocol: The Jigsaw Protocol is a great tool for promoting Depth of Knowledge by using "Extended reasoning" concepts within Elementary classrooms. Although this video targeted more reading skills, the concepts of research, extended thinking, and recall can all be used to further discuss math equations, math formulas and math projects. Students who are struggling to comprehend, demonstrate or explain mathematical concepts can strengthen their skills by conversing with peers about the written portion of the math work, where the student is asked to "explain" their thinking. #EDTC615 #Fall2018
    EDTC615 FALL2018 My SMART goal is after one marking period of examining musical examples, 90% of students will be able to recognize musical notes and form. This protocol is going to have a high impact on the student learning because the students are able to discuss and dive deeper into their reading. I can apply this to my music class by handing students a piece of music and having them look for the form of the song and the musical notes. They then pair up with someone with the same song and go over the notes a form together.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rating: 4 - High engagement for most students I particularly enjoyed this strategy presented by fifth-grade teacher Jennifer Dauphinais. The highlights for me were the students engagement from the very beginning in stating the 'Learning Goal.' It's one thing for the teacher to know what the end-goal is, but it strengthens the activity when the student understands the "why." Having students become "experts" in their reading to then discuss details and main ideas in groups is a great recipe for reading comprehension. The students have the ability to hear different perspectives and everyone has a voice. I really enjoyed this. Author Daniel Venables challenges educators in his book, How Teachers Can Turn Data into an Action Plan to "do something different in the classroom" if one approach doesn't materialize student-learning (pp. 60). My gropu's SMART Target Learning Goal is for 75% of students will improve their informational text comprehension by 1 grade level. Dauphinais' 'Jigsaw' method is a fresh approach to literature instruction and could be a great tool for us to get the students to reach this goal. #EDTC615 #Spring2018

Teachers' Perceptions of Educators' and Students' Role in Closing the Achievement Gap - 1 views

    This article discusses achievement gap and students' perceptions within the learning environment. These ideas and understandings are necessary as the teacher develops the classroom environment for learning and finds solutions for learning and instructional gaps.
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